Honestly, I LOVE coffee and the crazy jittery energy it gives me (does that sound bad??) BUT this is like stable sustained energy all day long!
AND the best part, I can still fall asleep at a decent time and not be up for hours OR crash during the day.
So last week I gave you ALL the details of The 3 Day Refresh, but now I've actually experience it FIRST HAND.
And what an experience its been the last 3 Days.
Here are my results! I can honestly tell a difference in my stomach, I could barely "suck it in" AKA flex the first day. EEK!
Here are the things I felt:
- hungry
- energized (weird that you can be energized and hungry right?)
- light (I mean its all veggies and fruits!)
- a little frustrated (I love food)
- Determined (to finish)
BUT I made a quick video for you guys and gals to explain a BIT more what I experienced through the 3 Day Refresh ... check it out:
If you're ready to REFRESH with me and want to experience a more focused, energized and lighter YOU, then PLEASE fill out THIS FORM
And I will get back to you!
OH, and a HUGE thank you to my wonderful, amazing boyfriend who DID NOT let me cheat, and kept me on track! I could NOT have done it without him, we can play by the rules and we also love to break the rules, right darling? You're the BEST accountability partner I've ever had <3 Love you!
I look forward to hearing from you!
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