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easy salad etiketine sahip kayıtlar gƶsteriliyor. TĆ¼m kayıtları gƶster
easy salad etiketine sahip kayıtlar gƶsteriliyor. TĆ¼m kayıtları gƶster

5 Haziran 2014 Perşembe

Strawberry Avocado Summer Salad

Welp, HAPPY ((ALMOST)) Summer!!!! Ok, I'm a little early, but that's ok.

I'm not a huge salad person when I have to make it myself because I just don't know what to do... I think its option overload so I always end up putting the wrong things together. I know, strange.

Anyway, this salad came out YUMMM and it was so easy.. and I'm a little proud of myself-- I can make pancakes from scratch off the top of my head, but I cannot master a salad, except this easy one.

21 Day Fix approved:

2 red -- chicken or protein (if you use two chicken breasts -- I cut all my breasts in half before I cook them so I get "more" out of it)
3 green -- I like a lot of spinach, but you can measure it out
1 purple- strawberries
1 blue- avocado (I'm apart of AA -- avocado's anonymous, I have a problem)

What You Need:

  • 1/2 avacado
  • spinach
  • Himalayan Salt
  • Pepper
  • Diced up chicken (or protein of your choice)
  • diced up strawberries
  • diced up avocado
  • lemon juice

I don't use dressing, so if you do, by all means go for it... I just like less calories. I use lemon juice with salt and pepper ;-)

So combine all that, dash of salt, dash of pepper, lemon juice... and that's it! 

It's simple, but fresh and easy. Can't go wrong!