Judge me all ya want (people do it anyway) but I truly live by that saying, "If ya can't TONE it, TAN it!" and let's face it... we ALL feel more toned when we're tan.
Why do you think those bikini fitness competitors come out looking like they spent 3 days straight in the bed? It makes those muscles POP! Ya just don't want to end like our good friend Ross here...
I have to admit something as well... a bit of a confession... when I went on the cruise to the Cayman Islands and Cozumel back in March for work I started tanning in the bed to build a base tan so that when I was there I wouldn't burn. Then I started to spray tan and get in the bed... and I did this for MONTHS. I loved the 'me' time in the bed, laying there, relaxing, warm and cozy. I still miss it but I know the consequences. Especially since my Grandmother had skin removed for sun cancer purposes.
But knowing me... I got... well addicted... See back in high school, my best friend Kristen and I were pretty much OBSESSED with being tan. We practically competed for who was tannest. I know it sounds SO ridiculous now, especially that we are so much more aware of the damage that UV rays cause, but back then we were just kids and could care less.
But I didn't want to be the super pale pasty Irish white girl at school and I guess part of that just stuck with me. I will embrace some of my white-ness during the winter since I'm mostly covered up, but I still like a natural glow. It makes me feel OH so PRETTY =)
Eventually I stopped tanning, however I have the freckles to prove my early years and looking back I do NOT want to look 80 years old when I'm 40. I use to see a lot of tan leather skinned folks in Florida/Heaven's Waiting Room and it didn't look good... in fact it made them look OLDER.
Go figure eh? So I knew it was time to cut the bad habit ... especially considering that my sweet boyfriend asked me to several times because "I want to have as much time with you as I can" AWH. Ok convinced.
So I had to get back to my self tanning days... and I thought I had a pretty solid routine down UNTIL I heard about this elusive FAKE BAKE...
The name says it all ladies.
FAKE. Motha fuggin BAKE. You can get it on Amazon or visit your local Ulta! *cheaper on Amazon*
It's the POO. (aka the shit)
I've been using for over 6 weeks and people are STILL asking me if I tan in the bed. Insert smirk and winky face.
So here it is... in ALL it's glory.
1. Take a shower and exfoliate -- scrub that body! Then put a little bit of lotion on your feet, toes, ankles, knees, elbows, arm pit creases and any where else you have some creases.
2. Put on gloves (they provide you with them) and bust out the tanning MITT with it. At first I was weary of using a mitt because I thought it would create streaks. WRONG. Its a LIFE SAVER.
3. Spray the mitt several times and then start calves first and work your way down to your feet. I suggest starting with your calves because you want to gradually fade the tan to your feet, not overload them and look like you played in dirt all day (or a hobbit -- have you SEEN those feet?!)
4. When working my inner thighs I like to prop a leg up and make sure that I'm using circular motions to avoid any streaking.
*It's the most natural looking tan I've had -- the color isn't TOO dark for me and isn't too light.
I would LOVE to hear your feedback when you try it and send me your before and afters so I can feature you! <3
Happy Fake Baking ladies!